VTU Fee Receipt Management
Production period
2019 about 6 months
In charge of production
Plan / Design / Develop
Skill Used
During the fees payment time of all the exams students have to fill a challan and pay the bill and also they have to take Xerox of that challan. With the help of this project management can assign the faculty and respected faculty will come to know what are the work assigned to them and they will fill the form of respected student assigned to them. Student will be able to monitor his fee’s status
To develop a management system which handles the fee’s receipt status and reduce paper usage.
Problem Solved
Now Student don't have to stand in long queue for exam fee recipt during vtu exam.
Adopted by College
The idea adopted by college in-House start-up.
Every year during the fees payment time of all the exams students have to fill a challan and pay the bill and also they have to take Xerox of that challan. Than management have to assign faculty for some USN. After filling form also faculty have to make the list of student for whom he had to filled the form. After this also student have to verify form is filled correctly or not
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